Test Post
Series: How to eat a bagel properly
- asdf
- asdf2
- foo
- foo
- foo
- foo
- Foo
- Foo2
- Foo!
foo kinda foo very foo insanely foo
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nec interdum metus. Aenean rutrum ligula sodales ex auctor, sed tempus dui mollis. Curabitur ipsum dui, aliquet nec commodo at, tristique eget ante. Donec quis dolor nec nunc mollis interdum vel in purus. Sed vitae leo scelerisque, sollicitudin elit sed, congue ante. In augue nisl, vestibulum commodo est a, tristique porttitor est. Proin laoreet iaculis ornare. Nullam ut neque quam.
what even is asdf⌗
we may never know
asdf | asdf? | a |
a | s | d |
def get_database(ip):
database_length = get_count(ip, "LENGTH(DATABASE())")
print(f"Length of database name: {database_length}")
database_name = get_string(ip, "DATABASE()", database_length)
return database_name
final thoughts
Other posts in the How to eat a bagel properly series:
- July 13, 2023 - Test Post
Read other posts